本課只在提供人類心理行為各面向的知識、啟發學生對心理的興趣,並將心理學 的知識實際運用於日常生活當中,增進自我、他人與群體行為的了解,以提升適 應環境、掌控自我和經營良好的自我能力。
透過講授、分組討論、心理量 表、應用報告等多元教學方式,學 習以人為出發點,分析人類行為之 動機、認知等,進而學習應用與預 測,藉此達到增加自我生活品質的 最終目標。
- 授課教師: 胡延薇 老師
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the study of culture and human behavior in general, and culture and mental health in particular. The focus will be on social and cultural processes that help students to familiarize the social and cultural processes in mental health-related areas, identify social and cultural processes in their daily lives, and guide students to think critically about the role of culture, race, and ethnicity in human behavior
- 授課教師: 藍挹丰 老師
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the study of culture and human behavior in general, and culture and mental health in particular. The focus will be on social and cultural processes that help students to familiarize the social and cultural processes in mental health-related areas, identify social and cultural processes in their daily lives, and guide students to think critically about the role of culture, race, and ethnicity in human behavior.
- 授課教師: 藍挹丰 老師
- 授課教師: 鍾志鴻 老師
- 授課教師: 徐琿輝 老師
- 授課教師: 徐琿輝 老師
- 授課教師: 余哲仁 老師
- 授課教師: 季振忠 老師